Month: June 2024

Inquiry Catapults

LI: Practical build challenge to design and create a newspaper model of a catapult.

This week we had created a Catapult for Inquiry. We got into 3 groups and discussed and drew our idea as a collaboration group. We got a newspaper and started rolling it into little sticks/poles and used tape to stick them together and help trying to make force. Also used rubber bands to help with the force to shoot strong, Many other groups build their own designs and have their own catapults to build, Our group had to work together to build our catapult and make strong force and shoot. Soon as we were finished with our catapult we had a competition to see who can shoot the far’s.  

I enjoyed doing this activtiy because I learnt how to use Push and pull with the catapults, and learnt many new ways to build.

Google Meets Panmure Bridge School

What was the big message?

The Aotearoa Google team had came and visited PBS, The team was Steve, Caro, Teyha, and Simon. Those people had introduce themselves, and talked about something part of their Google role and what they do. Teyha role was a Digital strategy which means she helps business with ads. Caro’s role was Leading the Google company Business in NZ, she also helps digital creators and schools. Simon was a NZ business to break into markets which is 80 staff in NZ technology focus and how you could use it. 

 The Google Team also told us how they got their Jobs.We had questions and were ready to ask, they had some advice, Their advice was “Don’t make something 106% make it 10x better” And also Dream big” Never stop loving the things to do. Where did Google get its name? Google got its name from a misspelling “Googol” The number 1 followed by 100 zeros. Also the colours on Google were from the Lego colours.

Sometimes the Jobs you want might not exist yet, But when growing up things changes. Chromebooks never have viruses, and Chromebooks are the safe’s device, but other devices like PCs can get viruses. Google translate language base created by mapping word similarities which sometimes caused confusion, manual mapping, uses AI now – comparisons are now made and aligned across a large number of texts, pronunciation uses bilingual humans. 

I think the biggest message could be is, Never stop what you love and keep dreaming Big.




Information Report: Swamp Tigers

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about an animal.

We have writed and explained what is an information report. We use a topic called the Swamp tigers, where tigers live in swamps and muddy places, We also found facts and texts about swamp tigers and what they do in general. Swamp tigers are an unique beast and have good skills, they hide very well around their surroundings. We also used a Framework and writed many things about the creatures, we also used DRAFT to correct and fix our writing and also used Formal writing.

Swamp tigers are known as (Panthera tigris tigris)  these creatures are the rarest, and unique beast. Swamp tigers are located in Mangrove forest, an area between India and Benagla. Have you ever wondered what they do when they hunt?

Swamp tigers have layers of fur that are orange and black that keeps them warm and helps them camouflage when humans approche. These creatures are welled skilled at hunting, and have Sharp retractable claws. Did you know swamp tigers are very excellent at swimming?

These creatures are carnivores, which means (Meat only) it eats crabs, buffalo, birds, turtles, deer, wild boar, including otters. (Wild boar are wild pigs) And food is hard to find, near mangrove forest, Swamp tigers don’t eat other animals besides the meat they usually eat. These creatures will see humans as prey. They also have (seafood) in their diet meaning they also eat (crabs, and fish).

As you know swamp tigers lives in Mangrove forest, between India, and bangladesh, Which is their living habitat. Panthera tigris tigris can be found in muddy places, hot countries, wet areas like salt water, It can be also found at  (Asian Continent) Where else can you find swamp Tigers?

The Bengal swamp tigers are Solitary animals that mark their senses. They are also Protective about themselves and they are fearless, they are about Living alone. Are you aware swamp tigers are as scared of humans as humans are scared of swamp tigers?

Swamp tigers are very interesting and unique creatures. These tigers will be gone if we expand and effect their habitat, which is damaging and taking their natural land, and If we keep destroying their habitat these tigers will get affected. Do you agree and feel the same way?


Swamp Tigers

LI: To create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp Tigers.

Our Challenge was to resarch about Swamp tigers and tired to multi-modal DLO, that tells others about swamp tiger. First we collected some information and facts about Swamp tigers about their appearance, Habitat, Diet, and behaviour and also interesting facts. Our DLO shows and tells more about Swamp tigers, reason why swamp tigers live near swamps, woods its because to camouflage there selfs and how people are destorying the woods and adding houses and building city’s and  decreasing because humans are expanding cities which is damaging and taking away their natural habitat. Did you know Not many people know the Bengal swamp tiger is highly endangered due to deforestation and habitat loss, and are very excellence swimmers in water. 

I found activity interesting because I learnt many new things about swamp tigers and their life’s also how talented and beautiful animals are really is.