Today we use papyrus AI that helped us with our narrative writing, Papyrus can be a genertive that creates something and predicts pattern in word using LLM which is Large, Language, Model. We watched two fairy tales of Snow White and Red Riding Hood and we had to combine the fairy tales together to get our idea. I really liked how the Papyrus AI gave me feedbacks on what to write and add and helped me to add details.
Little Red’s Adventures in the Enchanted Woods.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Red Riding Hood. She and her mother moved into a small village near a dark, shallow forest with a sign that read, “Be aware from this woods” She looked at the sign and ignored it, but she couldn’t get it out of her head. Night came, and the moon shine. It was midnight, and the whole village was asleep. It was quiet and silent until she heard a loud rustle in the forest. She looked at it but ignored it, knowing that if she went to discover the noise, her mother would worry about her, so she didn’t give in. Morning came, and the sunrise appeared. She asked her mother if she could play outside. Her mother agreed but told her to stay near the village and not to go far. She listened and said yes. As she played, she saw a butterfly and tried to catch it.
It led her to the forest, but she didn’t realise she had entered it. As soon as she lost sight of the butterfly, she stopped and realised that she was somewhere else. She was scared and cold, with only her red hood that her grandma made. As she walked, trying to find her way out, she saw small shadows running through the bushes and trees. She was frozen but started searching for something to use as a weapon. Then, the shadows jumped out, revealing the seven dwarfs. They asked, “What are you doing here in the forest?” She replied, “I chased a butterfly, and I followed it in here.” The seven dwarfs were shocked because they knew she couldn’t get out and that she might be stuck there forever. As they told Red Riding Hood, she cried, knowing she might be there for years but the way to get them out is to search for a lost princess named Snow White they began their journey. Day after day they kept searching for the princess until they bumped into a brick white wall they looked about and it was a Castle they were shocked seeing a castle in the woods so they made themselves in the gate but the castle looks abandoned like no one hasn’t been their they knocked on the door but no one answer so they push open the door and saw how beautiful inside was they didn’t hesitate they explored the place to find Snow white.
Talking and laughing they heard coming towards them so they ran and hide walking past them was a the Big bad wolf and the stepmother saying that ” Snow White can sleep in the basement” curious they were they had to be quiet and found the door to the basemeant to going down they saw snow white in their crying white her dress is ripped Little red Riding Hood asked ” Are you Snow white?” Snow white replied with “Yes I am and I’m the long lost princess” Little Red Ridding Hood was shocked knowing thats the princess everyone was looking for years. So the Little girl and the 7 dwafs had to think a way to sneak her back up without the woof and stepmother knowing so they tiptoed upstairs and through the door and out the gate they ran before looking back at the castle where the big bad wolf came chasing smelling the sence of Princess they had to look for the way out because they have the princess. They saw the way and ran out of it with princess finally there save with the princess and the 7 dwalfs everyone in the village was happy and Snow White was thanked with this they celebrated with cakes foods and balloons. Until this day no one entered the Woods Snow White and Red Ridding Hood with the 7 dwalfs are save with a happy small family The End.